Children's Safety Programme

Children's Safety Programme
Running during term times, our Children's Safety Programme is Ministry of Justice approved, for children aged 5 - 12 years who have witnessed or experienced family violence. Over a period of 10 weeks, tamariki will work to their own individual outcomes at their own pace.
Our small group settings allow us to deliver age-appropriate content in a safe environment.
Tamariki Safety Programme (5-12 years)
Safety planning & self-care
What is abuse?
When families fight
My rights
Stress & anxiety management
My body - Good touch, bad touch, yucky touch.
Personal power - assertiveness & self-esteem building
My dreams & my future
Family session
Following programme completion, individual review and family/whānau meetings are optional along with an opportunity to review changes in family structures and behaviour.
All children who complete the programme have access to funding that aims to increase their social life. This funding can be used for school camps, uniforms, out-of-school activities and more.